New Customers: Please call the Finance Department at (360) 834-2462 for water, sewer and garbage services. Office hours are Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm (excluding holidays). Residential pick-up service is offered either once a week, or every other week, depending on individual need. Commercial pick-up is available five times a week Monday-Friday.
Make sure to put your can out by 6:30 a.m. on your scheduled pick up day, otherwise a return pick-up fee may be assessed.
Yard Debris and Recycling Services are provided by Waste Connections at (360) 992-2386.Utility Rates: View City of Camas utility rates.
Missed Cans: If your garbage can has been missed, please report it online, or call the Utility Billing Department at (360 )834-2462.
Customer Schedules and Reminders: View and print your garbage, recycling and yard debris pick up schedule.
Holiday Garbage Schedule and Inclement Weather: Holiday garbage is picked up the next working day after your normal assigned garbage day, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day, which is picked up on the following Monday, and the day after Thanksgiving,which is picked up on the following Tuesday. During snow operations,residents may experience disruption in collection service, view the holiday garbage schedule on our website, or call our sanitation phone line for the latest holiday and inclement weather sanitation update at (360) 892-5370.
Every Other Week Garbage Schedule: If you have signed up for every other week garbage pick up you can check your schedule on our website.
Size of Cans Available: Roll out cans ranging from 35, 65, and 95 gallon are available for our customers. Larger containers are available in sizes 300 gallons (1.5 yards) and 450 gallons (2.0 yards) for residential and commercial for temporary use in clean up that goes beyond homeowner‘s and business’ regular garbage pick-up.
Changing Your Garbage Can Size: There is a service fee for delivery of a new can size. If you are wanting to make changes to your account call the Finance Department at (360) 834-2462.
Extra Garbage Bags: Christmas tree pick-up and extra bags/household appliances larger than a normal garbage can should be set outside next to your refuse can (an extra fee will be charged for each bag/item left outside your can). View extra fees on our website.
Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling: The City of Camas encourages its residents to reduce waste, reuse goods whenever possible, and recycle. For some great ideas on reducing,reusing, or recycling your household items go to Don't Throw It Away. For information on how to recycle or dispose of an item view How to Recycle Almost Anything, from A-Z.